Carol Blotter|Apr 12, 2020
Everytime I see a CaringBridge email, I'm immediately on it! Happy Easter to you. May this season of rejoicing in the renewing of life's energy strengthenyour energy too. Enjoy Meeting.
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Paul C. Hunter|Apr 12, 2020
Dear Stephen--I used to love hardboiled eggs, and that's what Easter memories go back to, peeled eggs with a faint coloring that made it through the shell, with salt and Worchestershire sauce. I hope the physical therapy is not too heavy today. It's the one thing where enough can be too much and a little is plenty. Keep your spirits loose and ready as the tests come in. One cue card you might steal or make is a card that says "In Other Words?" to hold up to the doctor and get him/her to explain it one more time, to also give your brain the time to digest implications amid the tangles of technical language. Jokes can be brief and appreciated too. In a movie I saw last week someone said What's a Wrench? Where a Jewish cowboy works. Of course, mocking pronunciation is entirely too easy. We just started pulling up beets here that wintered over, and I love them and the greens in everything! Remember, Time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies like bananas.
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Ellen Eggers|Apr 12, 2020
Hi Stephen: You sound good! It is very reassuring to have these messages, so thanks for sticking with us, as we stick with you. Barbara Warren and I live nearby and so we were going on a 6 foot walk (we tried masks at first but both of us were having a hard time talking which, of course, is the whole purpose of the walk....exercise is secondary!!) we removed our masks and enjoyed the walk! We were sharing info about you, that we had both gleaned from your blog, and definitely appreciate the connection. So nice you got a of my innocent clients got out of prison on Good Friday (which we now refer to as Great Friday!) but the poor guy had to be immediately isolated of course, and can't even hug his family or be with them. We finally got him hooked up with a video chat so I talked to him yesterday, but he's been in for 25 years (since age 18....innocent) and says he feels "lost" right now....pulled out of the only community he's known and into a halfway house of strangers....alone in his room....but this too shall pass (hopefully), and in the meantime know that we are really rooting for you, dear fellow! much love and support and good thoughts for you, Ellen
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Larry Knopp|Apr 12, 2020
How odd (but wonderful!) that you are getting EXTRA care due to Covid-19! Whatever the reason, I am delighted that you are being so well cared for and that you are able to do the visits with David and Carol. Thinking of you daily and SO happy that you are blogging here.
Much love and more to come,
-- Larry
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Lee Quinby|Apr 12, 2020
Stephen: I'm so glad you're receiving good care, and making progress in PT. How wonderful that David and Carol could visit!
During Joys and Sorrows after our online Boulder Friends Meeting today I will ask everyone to hold you in the light.
With love and hope, Lee
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Susan Rickert|Apr 12, 2020
Stephen, Thanks for your update today on a very special day for Christians. I thank God for your life and
continued inspiration, even in the midst of your treatment, your uncertainty and the pandemic!! You remain
in Tom and my heart and prayers with gratitude for your life and your friendship. Love, Sue
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Roy Allen|Apr 12, 2020
Holding you in the light, of course, Stephen. Happy Easter!
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