Toni Wetzel|Jan 1, 2019
We will continue praying for your family....that's what got us through our accident. I was only 19 when our accident occurred, and was self conscious of the scars on my legs for awhile, until someone told me I should think of them as reminders of how God saved me for great things. I also realized I could have easily lost both legs due to the severity of the injuries, and so should be grateful I had them at all. Just a different perspective for them to think about. Oh, and the glass WILL continue to come husband had a piece come out of his knee like 15 years after our accident! Blessings to you all in the new year!
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Dodi James|Jan 1, 2019
You did hear from Him... His answer is all around you
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Corinna Nelson|Dec 31, 2018
Hugs. ❤️
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