Robin Norris|Nov 10, 2014
Beautifully said! For a mother of four little ones your words are always so touching and inspiring! Wow, God truly is using your situation and what you've been through in so many different ways. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!
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Cheryl Imel|Nov 9, 2014
Amazing insight written in the most flowing and free description. When I think of your gift of writing I don't ever think of just you but I think of you and Sicily together...your connection with thought and words reveal your soul's connection with Sicily's soul and God. Thank you always for sharing!!! Your thoughts reminded me of three things that inspire me so much...2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." A quote "The bible says that right now we only know "in part" and after we're gone we'll know "in full. That makes more sense because it means our understanding will always have gaps and gaps are good because they leave room for God to fill in the spaces." -Bob Goff from book "Love Does" and my most very favorite sermon by John Piper that talks about the Glory of God in the sight of eternity...every second counts for him and nothing is wasted.
You just summed all that up...but I wanted to share because it is so cool when our insight matches with deep insight others have is so real!!! Hugs to you for being so honest and open to God's plan for you!!! Beautiful!!
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emily zeka|Nov 9, 2014
I read this with tears running down my face, very touching Kerry. Our family thinks of Sicily often, we miss her so much! It felt good to read this and hear from you! Thank you for sharing. Lots of prayers to you & your family.
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Traci|Nov 9, 2014
You have such a gift for describing unexplainable emotions in ways we all can understand. It's so good to read your words again. I'm so thankful you've found a degree of peace. As always, I'm praying for you all.
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G.A.G.|Nov 9, 2014
Thank you dear friend. Always remember that God loves you very much and so do I.
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Judi Fink|Nov 9, 2014
I know you write because it is therapeutic for you but I need you to know how much your words touch me and help me carry my crosses. You and your family will forever remain in my prayers.
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Sarah Gouzoules|Nov 9, 2014
Kerry: It was wonderful hearing from you again. I'll never forget Sicily. Hugs!! Sarah C.O.L.E'S Prayer Team
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Brandi Mendell|Nov 9, 2014
Well said and so very beautiful.
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jess m|Nov 9, 2014
I remember reading about your beautiful, beautiful girl...sending such hope-filled prayers. And I remember wishing peace to you and your family.
Your post was beautiful. I hope you continue to find peace and always feel her love.
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Prayers your way... Patti Eichelberger|Nov 9, 2014
My heart leaped as I read the email that you'd made a post. You are your family, and all those touched by Sicily's life remain in our prayers. I stop by and see her every time I take my "Talk Walk" at the cemetary. Thanks, again for sharing your thoughts... you're very therapeutic. (Can't wait until your book comes out! ;)
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