Julie Ramirez|Oct 1, 2020
Soooo happy to hear this awesome update!!! I love seeing that big smile! He is amazing!!! Praying for continued physical and mental strength for Sean and your whole family as you guys go forward. I can relate to everything you said about the bonds you forge with the medical team and how it is weirdly sad to leave. That just means they were outstanding and I am so happy you guys had them - makes such a huge difference to the atmosphere of positivity that is vital to the perseverance a patient and caregiver has to have. Sending more positivity your way!
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Heather Sutherland|Oct 1, 2020
We are so happy to hear the awesome news. Sean is a rock star and so are you Mary Grace!! He’s lucky to have you and Lance right by his side. And I’m proud to know such an amazing family. Sean pointed out his last bag of chemo last night while on a group chat with the boys, and I did cartwheels. (Mentally of course, as it’s been a long time since I’ve done a real one. 😬) Not once did I see or hear Sean complain or stop smiling. He is remarkable. I’m so happy that you guys finally made it here. Sending lots of love and healing prayers your way! Love you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Mitsie Kraack|Oct 1, 2020
Yay! I am so glad to read this news! I have been thinking about family a lot lately and especially of Sean. I see that gorgeous smile and it makes me happy! Please send my love to him and I am sending you a big hug Mama! You are amazing!❤️😘
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