Help Scott Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Scott’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 21 donors who have made a donation in honor of Scott.

From another Kirchoff cousin - all of whom love you.
Grant Wacker | Aug 27, 2019
Mary Bacon | May 28, 2019
Love you, Scott - you provide great hope and inspiration for all of us.
Randy | Apr 16, 2019
Continued prayers, my friend.
The Fairs (Greg and Pam) | Feb 5, 2019
We know you can beat this. It will be a long haul but know that you are not alone! There are a lot of us going along with you, full of prayers!
With Faith and Love, Dick & Betty Chapman | Jan 8, 2019
Chris Brooks | Jan 8, 2019
I have been thinking of you a lot Scott. Bobby told me of this and I will donate to keep this going on line. I love you so many sweet memories of you as a little boy, those times will never be forgotten by me.
With love Aunt, Cookie | Jan 7, 2019
Just learning of this and am so sad for you ALL. The love and support you have and the power of so many prayers will undoubtedly help. Thoughts and prayers for you from Thor and I and our family.
Love, Thor and Diane | Jan 7, 2019
My prayers are you with you Scott and family, remain strong and the lord will you guide you this difficult time. God Bless
Steve Kirchoff | Jan 7, 2019
Marietta and I have you and your family in our prayers as you navigate this journey. You have a large prayer warrior contingent at St Padre Pio.
Rob Durkee | Jan 7, 2019