Marlene Rees Graef|Apr 26, 2023
Hopefully all is going well and you are again able to do things as in the past. You are still on our Sunday school prayer lists.
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Jason & Valerie Jacobson|Mar 27, 2023
We’re so glad you are doing well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
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Diane Jackson|Feb 27, 2023
Such wonderful news Scott!! Continuing to pray for you and your family…love this great news!❤️🌟
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Jade Smith|Feb 25, 2023
Scott, Joey let me know of your situation. Great to read everything is going well after your surgery. That is impressive on your improvement in your time on the mile walk. Keep being strong.
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Marlene Rees Graef|Feb 23, 2023
Scott…take care of yourself. Don’t be in a rush to get all your wants checked off. Each day is precious in this life God gives us every day. Enjoy every precious minute.
Glad you are doing so well, and happy you are getting excellent care from your medical team. We are keeping you in our prayers here, and at our church.
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Paula Long|Feb 23, 2023
Sounds like you are continuing to improve. Hope your cold goes away soon.
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Ronald Sayer|Feb 23, 2023
Great to hear you are getting stronger. Keep away from everyone until the weather gets better. So when do you expect to go skiing?
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Carol Landon|Feb 23, 2023
Sounds like you are doing great Scott! Keep up the good work. You are amazing.
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Tammy Hinck|Feb 22, 2023
So glad you are home. I’m sure there will be lots of ups and downs while you get acclimated. Continuing prayers and cyber hugs to all! Stay strong Scott!
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Debbie Wyatt-Hesser|Feb 22, 2023
Just take it easy Scott. It sounds like you are doing Awesome. I know your folks can't wait to put their arms around you. My Mom is 80 and has COPD really bad and I don't let anyone in the house with a sniffle. It's hard to tell folks no entry, but hopefully Family & Friends understand. I want to keep her around as long as I can and I sure & the heck don't want to lose her because of her catching something from someone, it's hard enough for the ones that live here to not bring it in. I know Jen & family feel that way about you, too. so, keep on keeping on & doing the things you're doing. GOD is GOOD !!!!
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