Sara Mullen|Apr 2, 2018
I don't know Sarah, I hope it doesn't upset anyone that I seen this story through a good friend of mine Nicole's page and I wanted to express my sympathy. I had got to know Children's hospital Cincinnati when my son was 3 and they found a mass in his lung which thank God it came back non cancerous it did cause hihis great deal of problems, took a huge toll on his health and breathing. While in the hospital I seen so many patients going through chemo and spoke to many parents of children fighting for their life. You can never prepare for something like this. I wish there was something I could say that could help, I wish that I could do something to take the pain away. Or children shouldn't have to endure this kind of battle. This story touched my heart and I just want to let you Sarah and your family know you will be in my prayers. I'm also going to start a prayer chain at church honey. I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It shows your strength even when your body feels weak. I don't know much about you or if you are even in Ohio, but I know no child deserves this and life can be so unfair. I don't know what to say but I hope you the best and I would like to continue showing my support.
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