Susie Wheelis|Mar 21, 2020
Sending strength and peace to you all as God works the magic of healing.
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Kathleen Caldwell|Mar 21, 2020
Thank you so much Amy for sharing from your heart . I am amazed by your strength and what a beautiful real life example of being present in the moment. I am so glad to hear that Sarah continues to heal and is getting around pretty well. And you’re so right, this present world situation brings into focus what is really the most important thing: having each other. Much love to you, Sarah, Emily and your sister. xoxo ❤️
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Bob Joneth|Mar 21, 2020
Beauty and grace out of tragedy.
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Anne Riddle|Mar 21, 2020
What beautiful thoughts, Amy. I have said it before and I will say it again - you are the most amazing mother I know, and are a role model to me - not just as a mom but as a person. Sending love and light to you, Sarah and Emily, today and always.
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Kathy Meacham|Mar 21, 2020
Amy-We continue to hold you, Sarah, Emily, Brenda, all in the Light. Kathy
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Marcia Mount Shoop|Mar 21, 2020
Thank you for this, Amy. Yes, what you and Emily and Sarah have been through and are going through prepared you for this world-wide ordeal we are all in the grip of now. I am sending you all love as healing deepens and continues to unfold. I have cherished my visits with Sarah, and will miss stopping by in this time of distancing.
Peace and love,
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