Tom Lynde|Sep 26, 2020
Dear Gatto family, your mom was the best. She always, always had a smile on her face. She loved you Kristen and Chris so much you could see it on her face anytime she was near one of you. She loved your children and was a great grandma. I will always cherish the memories of all the boat rides, dinners, swims and many other activities we shared with her and your family over the past 40 years. My family is very sad this evening, but unbelievably grateful for having been one of Sandy's friends. We always considered you guys as family. I will remember the way your mom and dad treated my parents with kindness and love, especially when my parents were not doing well. We will pray for Sandy and all those who love her.
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Carol Wojtulewicz|Sep 26, 2020
She was loved by so many. We were all so lucky to have known her and to have had her in our lives. I know you are devastated but she would not like to see you so sad. She adored her family! Give yourself some time and then celebrate her life. She'll be with you always. We love you, Mark and Carol
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