Kelly Flowers|Nov 28, 2022
Thank you Jill for the update! I was just thinking about Sam the other day but didn't realize that this was right around the anniversary. I remembered how you said that driving is the most dangerous thing we do, and we do it all the time. That has stuck with me. God bless you and your family. I will pray that you find a caregiver that fits your needs so that you can have a much-deserved respite.
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Ron Carpenter|Nov 28, 2022
Thanks for the update. I shared with the SJN Parishioners facebook group. Y'all are still in our prayers.
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Meg Avey|Nov 28, 2022
Thank you so much for the update and how I can be praying for you all. Wishing you a blessed and Merry Christmas.
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Stephen Casey|Nov 28, 2022
Dear Jill and Sam, Thank you for the update! My wife and I never had the opportunity to meet you, Jill, but we are so thankful for Sam's presence in our life. While our sharing the same last name was a frequent point of joking, Sam definitely "fathered" me in the law. Back in 2012, the Austin pregnancy centers were under attack. I felt we should sue, but few other attorneys were on board with that idea. I called Sam, and he was indignant about the city's actions, leading the charge that was ultimately successful in protecting these centers and winning the suit. He originally did the orientation keynote when I started law school, talking about his testimony from a money-seeking attorney focused on self to a servant of God in the legal arena. His influence without question directed my legal career at the beginning of law school and during my practice. Thank you for being such a partner of his in life and walking this difficult road in faith, and please extend all our love to him and you as seek the Father daily! (The Fernando Ortega version of that song is my favorite!)
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Candy McCune|Nov 28, 2022
Thanks so much for this update! Of course, when the Dobbs case overturned Roe v Wade, my first thought was "Yahoo, Sam " and all the fellow workers who tirelessly fought the fight. And Sam's dedication which goes way back. I pray he is able to fully embrace and enjoy the honor that was so rightfully bestowed on him. And I love that family was there for him. My prayers continue for you, Jill, and for the help and resources to be sent your way. We love you both!!
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Sharon Falkenheimer|Nov 28, 2022
Thanks for this update, Jill! We have a member of the family still recovering from a similar serious head injury when he was hit by a car while jogging. May the Lord sustain you and give you the opportunities to get away for rest and retreat regularly. Congratulations to Sam for the well earned reward for his many years of battle against the taking of unborn lives. I'm sure God is glorified in you both! :-)
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John Jakubczyk|Nov 28, 2022
Blessings to you Sam and your beloved bride Jill. May Our Lord continue the great work he has begun in you, The end of Roe is only the beginning of a much more intense effort, and more prayers are required from all involved in the fight. you are in my prayers. Have a holy Advent and wonderful Christmas. Pax Domine, dear brother.
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Mailee Smith|Nov 28, 2022
I am so thankful for this update! I love you and Sam so much and am ever grateful for the love and wisdom you poured into my life over the years. Please tell Sam hello from me!
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Margee Thornton|Nov 28, 2022
I am so happy to receive this update. You don’t know me but I followed your CB after the accident…reading, praying, grieved for you both but hopeful for healing. God IS faithful and He has carried you to this day and the days ahead…loved the words you shared from Fernando Ortega’s songs which have been so soothing to me as well in days past. Thanks for the reminder! Prayers for your endurance in this course of life God has placed you both on. May He provide the respite help you need Jill 🙏. Blessed Christmas!
Margee Thornton, a Pro-Lifer
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Celia McAlpine|Nov 28, 2022
We are SO grateful for this update. Poignant as it is we hear two strong people proving Jesus to be who He said He is in the hardest of circumstances. Sam & Jill, we are cheering you on and our prayers remain with you. Many are out here asking the Lord to sustain you and yours. Your lives are a clear message to us all. Peace, grace and love to you both.
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