Shelley Duoos|Aug 24, 2021
Sam, you can do this! I've been thinking of you every day - you are practically my third son! I can't wait to give you a hug!
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Amanda Anderson|Aug 24, 2021
This is the best message I've seen in a long time, Sam! I'm SO thankful that you are feeling better and getting stronger each day. I am keeping you in my daily prayers. The road ahead is not going to be easy, but you never really take the easy path, so I have faith that you can conquer this. Much love to you!
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Angie Bellefeuille|Aug 24, 2021
We love you Sam!!!
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Shelli Connoy|Aug 24, 2021
We are so praying for your recovery Sam and we will not stop!!! You are , young, strong and motivated! You are loved and being prayed for by so many people!!!!
Love, Kristin, Mike and Shelli Connoy ❤️💕
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Wendy Mielke|Aug 24, 2021 (edited)
John & I are continuing to pray for you & your recovery. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new ever morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
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