Ann Bell|Oct 7, 2021
With what ever wine you want but have 2 S'mores with it. Glad to hear your doing well.
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Sarah Parsons|Oct 7, 2021
Sure love you, Thom, and I’m glad you’re doing ok. What a difficult time and hard transition. I’m so glad that Liz has been there to help you and that you’ll see Erik soon! If you want a new adventure, you can drive up here to Alaska and see us anytime! 😊❤️ For me, I’d pair hot dogs with a hot cup of coffee, which I’d promptly misplace and find cold (but still drinkable) two days later! 😉
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Linda Valenti|Oct 7, 2021
I have been thinking of you a lot lately so your journal entry is timely. I am glad you went up to the mountains. They have a way of refreshing and reflecting.......Those hot dogs can go with whichever wine you desire.........Keep taking care, doing what you can and enjoy the time with your kids. Sending you my love...Linda
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Janet Soleta|Oct 7, 2021
You pair it with whatever you want!! Take care, I’m glad to hear of all your plans with the kids.
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Eileen Johnson|Oct 7, 2021
We want to stay connected with you Thom. Let us know when we can come pick you up for dinner.
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Margaret Borkowski|Oct 7, 2021
It sounds like you are handling this quite well. I am sure that having memories of Sally and God's love with you do help. I admire you for going camping and traveling and all. I pray for you and the kids.
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Andrea Huss|Oct 7, 2021
Pinot Grigio, it's on me
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Loraine Marlow|Oct 7, 2021
Thanks so much for the update. I have heard great things about a nation wide group called "Grief Share". I think it is a 12 or 13 week study. I know this is not for everyone, but thought I would mention it.
Love you!!
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Michelle Hemsher|Oct 7, 2021
We love you Thom and so glad to hear your doing OK. When you have a night available we'd love to do dinner!
Duane and Michelle Hemsher
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