Dave Isaacs|Oct 8, 2020
The accident scene was a scary sight to behold. Being a parent myself, with 3 teenage drivers, it was eye opening. We go through each day just focused on our next task. In a blink our lives can be changed forever. I lost a 9 month old great neice this way. I dont know why God put us together that day Rysha, but I'm honored and humbled that He did. I'm glad to see you're doing well. If you ever feel up to it, you're welcome to come hang out at our alpaca farm. They seem to make everything better. . God bless, David
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Gayle Marcks|Sep 11, 2020
Wow. That is truly amazing. A gift from God. Thank you for sharing.
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Kara Apel|Sep 9, 2020
Way to go, Rysha!!! Such a strong, incredible young woman. I can’t wait to see what happens next - she’s destined to do great things!
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