Leah Calagias|Sep 6, 2021
Sending much love and many prayers to all of you.
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Carly Jones|Sep 6, 2021
So sorry to hear about Drew and Eliana. The old phrase about God not giving us more than He and you can't handle keeps coming to mind. Although I continue to pray for healing and that He allows this pain to pass you all by, I also know that you are one of the strongest and most dedicated women I know. Prayers for a great start back to school for all and a boring week filled with nothing but progress and positive news. Love you so much Rin❤❤❤
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Pat Edmunds|Sep 5, 2021
I am so sorry you and your lovely family are going through this difficult time, but I know you Corrin and you have the strength of faith in you. I wish I could take away any bit of the pain and struggle. My family & I have kept you all in our prayers since the first news of the accident. As you have taken care of many in our community through vaccine awareness many months ago, we will all be here for you. You and your family are all love and God will guide you even when you don’t know where that journey will lead. Hugs ❤️
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Katen Park|Sep 5, 2021
Omg! I don't even know what to say. Long ass journey for your family. One moment at a time. Breathe, scream, cry, curse, whine, wine, and breathe again. And keep on. Love to each and all of you.
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Amber Camiller|Sep 5, 2021
Oh my goodness Corrin, thinking of you all. Hoping for a smooth start to school for you guys and that you shave that uneventful phase you were hoping for a few weeks ago!
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Kim Evans|Sep 5, 2021
Sending you much love, strength, and healing vibes🥰
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Maria Daniels|Sep 5, 2021
You’re in my thoughts and my heart constantly.. Sending love and continual prayers. xxoo
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Angie Craven|Sep 5, 2021
Praying for your family on a daily basis plus every time I drive by your house. Sending hugs 💗
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Beverly Wayne|Sep 5, 2021
Continued prayers for all of you! Know that you are loved and know that God is in control.❤️
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