Judy Killion|May 14, 2018
Just figured out how to get to those pictures. Makes me smile as I can see they do that to you too. Prayers and hugs for you until this all goes away. After that? Not so sure. I'll check with you later. ;-)
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Jayne Farmer|May 4, 2018
Just checking in as I have not heard of any more “Ron” sightings so hope all continues to go smoothly for you. The sun has been shining so surely that has lifted your spirits...maybe some outdoor time for you? Once you are totally back on your feet, I would like to meet and discuss some ideas that have been rattling around in my head about creating some sort of bereavement ministry in the parish. Nothing elaborate but a small way of showing how the community cares for those facing a loss.
Prayers continue, of course. Hope to “sight” you soon..ha! ha! Jayne
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Roberto Corral|May 1, 2018
Great to hear this good news. Thanks for keeping us updated. God bless you all.

fr. roberto
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jo Hanson|May 1, 2018
Great news, Ron! Grandkids are such great medicines, aren't they? I wish you more comfort, more fun visitors & may God grant you continued care toward recovery!
Blessings, Jo
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Arlene/Mike Sullivan|Apr 28, 2018
Love the pictures and love you, continued prayers. Can't wait until we can keep our luncheon date.
Arlene and Mike
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Ann Christianson|Apr 28, 2018
Hi Ron,
I just stumbled on to the St. Anne site and saw the news of your lymphoma, and am adding my love and prayers to your superhero team. Even from your Caring Bridge site I can feel the strength and support that surrounds you - it is a reflection of the positive grace you have always shared with others. Take Care. -Ann Christianson
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Nancy Mori|Apr 28, 2018
So happy you are doing good! Those darling boys of yours are certainly helping. Will keep storming heaven with our prayers. Love and prayers Nancy
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Roger O|Apr 27, 2018
Great news. Thanks for sharing it. I continue my daily prayers (actually 3 times a day) and weekly Mass for Ron. Keep up the good work. Ron. Love, Roger
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Patt Reade|Apr 27, 2018
Super prayers always with super family and super heroes
Blessings to all
Thx for sharing your good news patt
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Laurie Finn|Apr 27, 2018
Good news! God is indeed good. And you have the superheroes on your side too!
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