Carol Knapp|Oct 15, 2021
Very thankful for Robert's healing! Thanks for sharing Colleen's story, what a dear sweet sister in the Lord!!
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Kaitlyn Dykema|Oct 15, 2021
Hello Robert, hope you and Nancy are doing well. This is such encouraging news- praising the Lord with you and Nancy both. You can tell Nancy that I have Love day listen to her on Reviveourhearts on the book of Daniel. God has blessedness you with a Godly wife, And How he has blessed you both with a Godly Marriage. Robert I will be praying for you as you go for your checkup next week. What is your favorite verse from the Bible and what is Nancy’s favorite bible verse. I bet it looks like fall up there already. I love all of Nancy’s books and I also love the book that you and Nancy wrote, you can really Trust God to write you’re story. I hope And pray that everything’ goes smooth for you next week. Heaven Rules. I love the both of you and thank the Lord for the both of you. Yes Lord. Here is one of my favorite bible verse’s And it comes from Psalm 41:13.
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Marianne Morrissey|Oct 15, 2021
This is such encouraging news - praising the Lord with you!
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Kaitlyn Dykema|Oct 14, 2021
Hello Robert, I not only have been praying for you, but I also have been praying for Colleen, and hope and pray that everything goes really smooth. I am truly thankful for the book that you and Nancy both wrote, and to really see you can Trust God to write your story, and he is writing your story Robert and he also is writing Colleen’s story as well. I love you both and also thank the Lord for the both of you. Rest now in knowing how many love you and support you. Blessings. To God be the glory great things he has done. Does it feel
Like fall there in Michigan yet. Because here in WI it feels like fall. I think Nurse Nancy has done a great job in taking care of you. Heaven Rules.
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Shelley Rife|Oct 14, 2021
Dear Robert and Nancy, John and I have been following your progress from afar. It seems each of us is given an "assignment,"
an assignment by God. It seems now, more than ever, everyone has an assignment with which they are dealing. For you, it has been your journey with and through cancer. John joins me in celebrating your news, that -- in parternering with God --
whose resources are limitless--you and Nancy have prevailed, when day after day you faced down the giants in the land.
I remember you telling me years ago that Bobbie was "showing us how to do it." You wrote the most uplifting and encouraging emails to many, and we joined you in your quest for healing for Bobbie. Now, you also serve as a "lamp unto our feet," as we traverse the road set before us, whatever that might be. We send you our love, and our hallelujahs for your safe arrival through the valley. Stay the course, God is good! All of your prayer warriors are providing "a safe place for your to fall" when you are weary. Rest now in knowing how many love you and support you! Blessings, Shelley and John Rife
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Sherman & Marti Williams|Oct 14, 2021
This is the news that we have been waiting for. Thank you for the examples you have been to us throughout this valley. The best is yet to come, you 2!!! xo
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Cynthia Heald|Oct 14, 2021
Dear Nancy, and Robert,
To God be the glory for this good news and to God be the glory for each of you allowing Him to showcase the beauty and goodness of His story in your lives. Thank you for your testimony of trust and perseverance to us all.
Love and blessings,
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Pam Kennedy|Oct 14, 2021
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! This is such wonderful news! You both will continue to be in my prayers. Blessings and love!
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Martha Barry|Oct 14, 2021
Thank you ,God
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Ronald Axt|Oct 13, 2021
Our enemies, The principalities and powers of the air, pester us we have discovered when they see that our living Lord is preparing a feast for us at his table. Psalm 23
We see the same is happening with you. God bless you and keep you, Nancy and Robert, and Coleen also. Cindy for Ron Axt also
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