Christopher Bragg|Oct 2, 2021
We love you all so much. Robert mean so much to me and my parents.
I’m praying for you during this time of loss but celebration. Pastor Robert was an amazing man and such an example.
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joy sander|Sep 28, 2021
Thank you for keeping all the information flowing LaNell. We really appreciate the time you put into keeping everyone up to date with all that has happened and is currently happening. We all continue to pray for all of you during this time and beyond.
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Jimmy McLeod|Sep 28, 2021
LaNell thank you for your update on your Dad's Celebration of Life and Love Service. We are standing in prayer agreement for your Mom Sybil, you, Marla, Wade your spouses and children and family as you are in early stages of your grief/loss of the physical presence of Robert in your lives, and the unwanted new normal you are experiencing. So long to be physically present with you all. Take healthy selfcare as you each, like your Dad modeled, lean into Jesus hourly regardless.
Jimmy and Carol Philippians 1:3, 7-11, 27. John 11:25 Amp
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