Dennis Woggon|Oct 29, 2021
I met Rich in 1975 when he came into my Clinic with low back pain. I took x-rays on him and said, "What about your neck" It was broken!" Yes" he said. "I broke that playing football but I'm use to that!" Rich was a Challenge. He was also an amazing guy and would go out of his way to help anyone. I got firewood from him too!
He was always fun and he will be missed, but the memories he left will never be forgotten!!!
Dr. Dennis Woggon DC
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Jill Froehle|Oct 28, 2021
Absolutely beautiful 🙏🏻
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Sharon Toogood Froehle|Oct 28, 2021
Carla & Luke, thank you for sharing this written copy. It contains so much love, I need to read it again & again. You have given a beautiful testimony to a true humble man. I feel blessed to know your parents.
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Anne DiFiore|Oct 28, 2021
So wonderful to see this come through and be able to read it. Thank you for sharing. I remember the story of Phil Jackson around a campfire with you guys....... Wish I would have been able to meet Rich
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Mary pat Stallings|Oct 28, 2021
Carla, This brought tears to my eyes thank you so much for sharing, He was an amazing man who will be missed
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