Stephen Martin|Mar 29, 2021
Hi Allison—I’m reading this for the first time (I’m not the fastest guy) and amazed at the thoroughness of your memory and love for Rich. I grew up with Rich in Oakmont and had the good fortune to spend much of our time together in middle and high school summers on the Oakmont Country Club swim team. He was such an easy person to be with, had a ready and quick sense of humor, and was a great friend. As you describe, he refrained from judgment and saw the good in others. I know that were to we to have been together in the succeeding decades, our friendship would remain strong because of his good soul and love of the world. My love goes out to him and you and your family. With gratitude for him, Steve
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Shannon Murray|Jun 1, 2020
As best friend to Allison, it was really a dream that our husbands (Robert and Rich) became great friends. The guys could hang and talk (many times about sports) and we’d all have a great time together. Some of my best memories of Rich are the Friday night’s back in 2008/ 2009 when Robert and I used to go to Rich and Allison’s house in Milford. Rich had recently finished cancer treatment from his first battle with leukemia and we had just had a son, Marcus. We would bring Marcus with us and we’d all order in dinner. We’d eat, have cocktails and watch TV. Marcus would fall asleep on the couch and Allison would reminisce about how much fun it was to go out late with your parents and fall asleep at a friend’s house. One time, many years later, Marcus and I were on the train to a Yankees game when Rich called me to see about getting together for Allison’s birthday for dinner. The ideas was very spur of the moment and of course, we’d make it happen! Marcus and I went to the game and took the train back to Fairfield. A few years had passed now and our family added a daughter, Angela. Rich and Allison now had Emma. Robert and Angela picked Marcus and I from the train in Fairfield and we went to Rich and Allison’s to celebrate with some of Rich’s acclaimed burgers. Emma and Angela may have been three years old at the time. The girls dressed up like princesses and ate cupcakes. It was perfect. Like so many of my fondest memories or Rich, it was the simple times that stand out. Just hanging out. Fun…simple…comfortable.
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Carol Perkins|May 28, 2020
Beautiful tribute to really wonderful guy. Thinking of you and the girls.
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Colette Lauletta|May 28, 2020
Such a beautiful tribute to Richard and the strong and loving life you had together.
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Erica Mallon|May 28, 2020
Allison and Family-

I have tears streaming down my face as I read this post. I'll never forget the week I was fortunate enough to join the Stallings family for your wedding in BI. I look back with happiness at the graciousness with which you and your families welcomed the high school babysitter into your lives and special day. I remember all the wonderful things about that island and hope that one day, I can return with the family I have now made for myself and enjoy the beautiful place you introduced me to. I remember the "argument" over Rich vs. Rick like it was yesterday. And the lobster rolls....OHH the lobster rolls. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to share that time with you. Allison, as the mom of two young children, I cannot imagine what you are going through. Your tenacity is astounding. I hope I never face the adversity and heartbreak you have, but if I do, I can only hope to have the strength and resilience you have. You are setting the best example for your girls and they will grow up knowing they have the world's strongest mom and a dad who is loving on them from above.


Erica [Cohen] Mallon
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Lara O’Loan|May 27, 2020
Dearest Allison,

My deepest apologies for waiting this long to express my condolences for your devastating loss at Rich’s passing. I can’t begin to fathom what you and the girls have been through in the last 6 months but please know that I think about you, Rich and the girls often. I also want to share my gratitude for the many beautiful updates that you posted for, and about, Rich in recent years. The grace, humor and dignity that you’ve expressed through your writing is palpable.

When I read your post on December 3rd 2019, I was in shock but also very hopeful that whatever was going on with Rich would pass and he would be home in time to celebrate Christmas with his girls. On December 4th, I was driving home from work at 6:15 PM when Steve Earle’s rendition of The Galway Girl came through my radio speakers. I hadn’t heard this song in a very long time but I instantly remembered the first time I ever heard it. Rich had sent it to me as a little birthday present back in 2012. I grew up in Galway and lived there for 20 years before moving to the states but I had never heard this song until Rich shared it with me. As you might recall, Rich and I worked on the same team for more than 3 years at Cengage, first under Susan’s tutelage, and then with Monica. As I listened to the song on that dark evening, I immediately started to pray and to send healthy wishes to Rich. I felt so sure that he was going to win this battle too. Then on December 5th I read your update and fell apart.

Rich and I could not have been more different but I like to think that ‘opposites’ often make for great teammates! Steelers, Penguins and Pirates had nothing to do with sports teams until I met Rich. He didn’t quite convert me into becoming a fan but he tried hard and for a while my husband was really hoping Rich would succeed where he had failed. I use the word opposites very deliberately because Rich and I were like chalk and cheese! Rich was our tech guru, our go-to-guy and our early adopter of all things online. I’ve never thought of myself as a tech dummy but I was NOT in Rich’s league. We worked on several interesting projects together (yawn… I’m all about the people and less about the process) but Rich never got tired of trying to simplify the process for me so that I wouldn’t buggar the whole thing up. I was like the toddler he thought he had left at home but who showed up to the office each day ready to cause havoc and frustration at every turn. Emma was a model citizen in his eyes especially when he compared her to me! On one occasion we were tasked with downloading learning material to iPod Nanos. I immediately tossed away the instructions and started fiddling around with the equipment, which created a whole new set of problems but Rich had the patience of Job and came to the rescue. Rich was also the first person I ever saw taking a photo of a check and depositing it online via his cellphone (circa 2011). He insisted I use the Waze app, which I still use today, and he taught me countless tech tricks, which was not an easy feat.

On a couple of occasions we had to travel to conferences together. I packed like I was heading to the Himalayas for 6 months while Rich donned a small carry-on for the 3 days we were in Orlando. I love to eat out and I enjoy finding new places to eat when traveling (on an expense account!) Rich hated my frou-frou taste in restaurants so we’d alternate picking locations to dine. One night was Chez Fussy-French-Stuff and the next night it was simple steak and chips. Rich and I also strongly disagreed about Colony Pizza’s claim to fame but that’s a story for another occasion.

What I admired and respected most about Rich was the fact that he could tolerate completely opposing views to his own yet remain engaged, cheerful, and keep the conversation going. We disagreed on just about every subject but we shared lots of laughs and several tasty beverages (Cosmo for me, beer for him!) On January 26th 2020, you posted another update Allison. It was so difficult to read and so brave of you to share. That was also my birthday although Rich always tolerated me calling it my birth-month, rather than just my birth-day. Seriously, the things he had to put up when we worked together. :o)

I’ve intentionally tried to keep this light even though my heart is breaking for all of you. I’m so sorry it’s taken 6 months for me to express my condolences, and please forgive the unorthodox approach but Rich wouldn’t have expected anything less from me. I will never think of Pittsburgh, Block Island or the Steelers without fondly thinking of Rich.

Anaïs Nin is quoted as saying “Life shrinks or expands in proportion with one’s courage.” Please know that the courage and resilience you have shown over the past several years has left an indelible impression. Emma and Aubrey are incredibly fortunate to have you as their mom, their north star, their guardian and their role model. You may not always feel up to the task and Lord knows you’ve probably been tested in lots of new ways during this horrible COVID-19 crisis, but as you said, Rich always had your back so you can be sure he’s not going to abandon his post now.

Love and hugs to you and the girls…
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Mark Wainwright|May 27, 2020
What a lovely tribute to a wonderful husband, father, son, nephew, cousin, and friend. You so eloquently expressed his character, humor, spirit, and his dedication to those he loved. Thinking of him and all of you today. He is missed but will never be forgotten. xo, Jane and Mark
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Cara DeSantis|May 27, 2020
What a beautiful and touching tribute to your husband, Allison. I wish we could give you a hug for your birthday, Rich. I don’t know a more dedicated Steelers fan then Rich. I think of him anytime I see black and gold. I’m so happy you all got to go to BI together, my favorite place to hang out with you guys, besides your deck. Much love, franco, cara, Gioia and Aria
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Lisa Sylvestro|May 27, 2020
Oh Allison, this made me laugh out loud (the part about the jeans!) and cry a lot. You are a fabulous writer and you captured everything so well. I am so happy you had that time at the Spring House and am sure Rich will be smiling down when you return there with the girls. Sending so much love 💕
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Valerie Haines|May 27, 2020 (edited)
One of my happiest memories of Rich and Allison is of the night they got engaged in London. After he popped the question they came back to my mother’s flat and the four of us celebrated into the wee hours, drinking champagne and dancing to Elvis and The Beatles. I was lucky enough to have Rich for a son-in-law. He was kind, patient, courageous, stubborn and loving. The best father without a doubt. He has been a part of the best days of my life and is missed everyday.
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