Gina Roberts|Jan 10, 2021
This post is so so beautiful. Your Dad was very kind, always asking everyone how they were, wanting to know more and cherish every moment especially with those pictures he always took. There was a peace about him that everyone felt when they were around him. His kindness, selflessness, empathy, peacefulness and calmness definitely radiates through you. I feel so blessed to have known him, your mom and call you my sister in law. I love you so much❤️
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Anna Little Raven Chaney|Jan 10, 2021
My heart is so so heavy right now.... to the family and friends..may God continue to bless you and give you comfort.. Yes those were the words Pastor heard....".Well done..".....many lives were changed because of his teachings and most of all his love
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Karen Spruce|Jan 10, 2021
This is Jim, using Karen's post. Richard and I have been friends since his freshman year at BNC; I was a sophomore then. Even as a teen Richard was mature, and an excellent student leader on campus. We drew even closer at seminary and then across the years we have connected. His quiet manner, subtle humor and gracious attitude were trademarks of Richard. Richard was the kind of person I have always wanted to be like. Loved him deeply. True to the core. Jim Spruce
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Steven Oliver|Jan 10, 2021
My friend is now in his wonderful eternal home. He will be missed. Thanks for the wonderful Christlike example he lived on earth. He will not be forgotten. My prayers go to Sherry and family. Thanks, Jeanna, for the updates.
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Vickie Stearman|Jan 10, 2021
The human part of me is grieving the loss of this wonderful man. Richard loved unconditionally and gave of himself so that others would find Christ. As Steve and I grieve his loss, we also rejoice in his homecoming; he is being welcomed by our Savior, and also by the many who he led to Christ. Sherry and family, our hearts go out to you during this time. Jeanna, thank you so much for keeping us posted on your dad’s progress so that we knew how to pray. Love to you all.
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Carolyn Henderson|Jan 10, 2021
I met Richard some time during his freshman year at BNC in 1962. Even then he was such a christian gentleman. I have greatly admired him and the fact he spent his life being Jesus to countless people. My heart is so heavy right now, but my plans are to spend eternity with him and many others in the presence of the Lord. I will continue to pray for Sherry and their family. Conley Henderson
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Rachel Hoover|Jan 10, 2021
I’m so sorry for your loss. Tim and I loved Uncle Dick. I’ll always cherish how he and my uncle married Tim and I almost 30 years ago. He was kind, compassionate and loved deeply 🙏 we love y’all
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Katie Stuewe|Jan 10, 2021
Fighting back tears as I read these beautifully written words. He truly was an amazing man! I am so happy I was able to know him and witness the amazing work he did through OKC Compassion. He definitely lived a life of service, and I know you are exactly right that that is what he heard as he entered into Jesus’s arms! Sending you are your family so much love and prayers!
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Rhonda Stingley|Jan 10, 2021
Love and prayers for your dear family❤️ What a beautiful legacy . Praying the God of all comfort will be so very near to each of you. We will continue to pray.
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Chrissy Ballard|Jan 10, 2021 (edited)
My soul is crying and my heart is crushed. The perfect good and faithful servant has gone home. May God bless and comfort the family and the many, many loved ones. I miss you and love you and always will, Pastor Bond. Thank you for being who you were.
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