Dean Hockenberry|Apr 28, 2021
I deeply grieve for your family and the rest of the world. A saint has left us all much to soon. While we are left hurting here I scarcely can imagine one day in a place with no more tears. I pray that while hurting here it is only temporary before the joy of reunion in eternity.
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Dennis Harris|Apr 27, 2021
What a wonderful expression of God's glory. Blessings and comfort to Jo Ann and family.
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Faye Beaulieu|Apr 27, 2021
Love you, praying for you all.
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Ann Foster|Apr 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are thankful that the Holy Spirit is there to comfort and love you as only He can do.
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Lynn Naughton|Apr 27, 2021
I'm so sorry to hear this, Jo Ann! I will always remember Rich as a sweet gentle man. He had a servant heart, for sure. I'm so glad we have the promise of everlasting life with Jesus and family/friends already there. I pray your memories bring you much comfort. You are very loved.
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Sue Adams|Apr 26, 2021
So sad (for you, and all of us)... so happy (for Rich)... Such mixed emotions. It was too soon for him to leave. But God has His plans set. Our deepest prayers continue for you, JoAnn, and your whole family. We love you!
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Paula Baker|Apr 26, 2021
Dear JoAnn,
Heaven gains a special saint. Praying for you and the family. May God surround you with His love and comfort. My heart aches with you, dear friend.
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Cathie Rosemann|Apr 26, 2021
Oh JoAnn. His gain is our loss for sure. Praying for all your family in this chapter of grief.
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Fauhn Schierer|Apr 26, 2021
Praying for comfort and rest, JoAnn. We love you and will continue to pray for you and your family. We loved Rich, too. He was a special man of God.
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Suzan Myles|Apr 26, 2021
So sorry to hear this news. Pat and I love you and Rich and will keep you and all your family in our prayers.
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