Marta GEROMETTA|Feb 20, 2019
I am just so sorry not to have know what Ralph and his family were suffering before his passing. We had a very complicated problem with our emails that were being diverted into a folder when we were out of town. It was further complicated by the fact that we had moved from LaPorte a year ago.
I was just so privileged to have worked with Ralph on many of my projects over the years starting with his opening Water Place. He was just a pleasure to work with and I always looked forward to my projects with him and of course those projects always turned out perfectly. I was also honored to have gone to your house and go over what would be his project for the kitchen. I was just so pleased to be working with him again since he no longer was at Water Place after selling it to Leep's. I always enjoyed just chatting with him and will miss him! I am sending prayers to your family as you cherish loving memories of Ralph and grieve his passing.
Marta Gerometta
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Diane Harbrecht|Jan 31, 2019
Thank you for all the information. Joe and I would like to be there with you to celebrate Ralph , but we are presently in Texas. We will be flying to Chicago the week of February 15th and then on to Sheboygan for a few days. Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers as you have been and still are!
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