Pat Demko|Jun 27, 2018 (edited)
I am so glad you and Patrick had a chance to get away. I hope the side effects lessen when you are done chemo. I hope your family have a spectacular summer. Love Aunt Patty and Uncle Pete
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Katrina McCleary|Jun 26, 2018
I love seeing your beautiful posts and pics. You shine and thrive despite the challenges. Much love to you and the family. You got this!!
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Sharon Gooden|Jun 25, 2018
You are getting there step by step! Hang in there. You are so loved!
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Peggy Wessel|Jun 25, 2018
You are in my heart and prayer. Happy Anniversary!
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Sara Boucher|Jun 25, 2018
Whoo hoo! Congrats on making it to the 2nd cycle all strong and beautiful! Wish we could be there w you in person, but know we are there in our hearts. ♡ u
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Sharlene Lee|Jun 25, 2018
Keep that wonderful smile! You are such an inspiration! Continue healing sweet friend.
Love and prayers,
Sharlene Lee
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Katherine Rose|Jun 25, 2018
Rachel, dear sweet WARRIOR.
In my daily prayers!
Love you bunches, Cousin Kathy
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