Diana Mayo|Nov 13, 2018
Your words of faith are such an encouragement to me. I am praying for your family every day.
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Samantha Burris|Nov 13, 2018
Faith in Christ and a positive attitude are shining beacons of light in the cancer world. Equally important they are instruments of healing for body and soul. Cancer takes over your life however, there is life after cancer and it is sweet.
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Chenea Pruitt|Nov 12, 2018
Praying for you guys! 💕
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Sheri Moy|Nov 12, 2018
So beautifully written. What an incredible testimony to the powerful presence of the Lord in your life. Please know we’ll make sure Lily gets lots of TLC! Continue to let Him hold you close and remember how much you are all loved and prayed for!
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maureen rzasa|Nov 12, 2018
Our hearts are breaking for what Davis and you all are having to endure. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Your faith and trust in God are truly inspirational and called us to be more. No doubt that God will fill you with the strength you need to weather this challenge. Lean on the love ❤️ of family and friends, we are all here to hold you up when you need it. Love you!
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Carolyn Gustafson|Nov 12, 2018
I was Lily as a child. It wasn’t my brother with cancer but my dad. Countless holidays and ordinary days were spent in a hospital room. And you are 100% right that God gives you the strength and courage to face the unthinkable. Circumstances change, but His faithfulness never does.

You guys are constantly on my mind and in my prayers . ❤️
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Steffani Blair|Nov 12, 2018
Your strength and determination are an inspiration to so many! Thank you for sharing yourself and your sweet family with all of us. You are in my thoughts and paraders!!! Davis, go kick cancer’s ass!!! 💜💜💜
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Jessica Williams|Nov 12, 2018
Praying for you guys every single day!
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Nate Wert|Nov 12, 2018
This is so many things at once. Raw, heartbreaking, inspiring, and more than anything else, so powerful.

You have not left my prayers since Monday, and you guys are always on my mind. The video of Davis singing “How Great is Our God” was incredible, and I’m happy to see him smiling. I pray for peace for all the times between the smiles and singing, and I will pray for Lance and Lily.

When I think of you 4, I always think of courage, compassion, and grace. I see it in Davis now as he fights this battle with cancer, in you as you write these words and in Lance and Lily as you walk this road. We love you guys.
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Lisa Martin|Nov 12, 2018
Amen! God will sustain you he will give you peace and comfort and the strength to get through each and every day. He is in control. You are a witness of his faithfulness don’t waist your testimony share with all who need to hear it. Bless you Robinson family ❤️ We as a church family are grieving with you. Not a dry eye in our lords house yesterday. We are praying very hard for Davis body to rid this cancer. You are a strong family who will get through this and will give all the glory to God!
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