Pam Foster|Sep 21, 2018 (edited)
Hey Buddy, hope everything is looking up on a daily basis for you. Pray you are getting stronger every day and will soon be back in school with all your friends and driving your truck around and just all those good things. Haven't talked to you in a while. Been busy at church and the grandbabies and all that. But been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. If you feel like it and can make those fingers work yet sent me a txt or call me sometime. My # 979-248-9393
Love you Peyton
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Pam Foster|Sep 8, 2018 (edited)
8Well it seems like forever since I left you a note. So glad you're home now. I'm sure you were glad to get back to your own room, your own clothes ,ect. I hear you're doing home school. Great, you'll get to graduate with your class and friends. Peyton, I'm so sorry for your loss of your dad and Julie. I also heard you remember what happened. Well 9 you had your guardian angel on your shoulder. You are our miracle Darlin'. Be sure and thank God for your life. Many of us have already done just that. We all love you and i know you'll continue to work hard toward all your goals because we all know you are a fighter. You have been through a lot but you can do it babe. Love you. Pam
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