Jesse, Anne, Bryant, Brady and Emmie Meyer|May 3, 2016
Love to see him on the ice at MAP! What an inspiration!
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Nancy Cole|May 3, 2016
C.S. Lewis once said, "Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see." Thank you, Peter, for being that miracle, and for reminding us through your victorious recovery of this great truth! Thank you, Harrington family, for pointing us to the Giver of life by allowing us to share in this most challenging seemingly eclipsed by Glory! Praising God from whom all blessings continuously flow!
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Joanie Sutton|May 3, 2016
I've been thinking about Peter and your family over the past few days knowing that the one year anniversary of Peter's acute illness was about to arrive. Thank you for touching base with us, Jenifer and thank you for this beautiful post. We are just so incredibly happy that Peter was healed and we were witnesses together as a community to God's immeasurable love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness! Praise God for this miracle, and praise Him for His continued work in Peter's life and all of our lives! Please give Peter (and all of you) a big hug from the Sutton family tonight.
Hope his sinuses continue to heal and improve. <3
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Pat Knutson-Grams|May 3, 2016
Peter and family, you are an inspiration to all of us. The fight to survive, the strength of faith, and constant prayer helps us all to realize the power of the Holy Spirit and God's promise of always hearing us.
Love you much!!'
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Heather and Jeff Francis|May 3, 2016
So grateful that God answered the many prayers for Peter! Your family has been in our thoughts recently as it's been one year since your first post.
Peter's progress is amazing...I even saw him at the Super Rink recently and he's exactly as I remembered him from the younger years in AAA hockey...such a friendly and awesome kid!
Thank you for the update, and have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day on Sunday!
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Kanner family|May 3, 2016
So glad he is doing so awesome.
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Robin Wieskus|May 3, 2016
So, so happy to read this message. :)
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Steve Anderson|May 3, 2016
God bless. An amazing story of faith and perseverance.
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Gunner Bourassa|May 3, 2016
Love you Peter!!
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