DIana Fegley|Aug 11, 2022
Praying for you during this difficult time 🙏
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Rob Martin|Aug 11, 2022
A beautiful tribute and message, Kim. You are resilient and kind. We are all thinking of you.
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Margaret E Li|Aug 11, 2022
Kim, You are an inspiration of love and support. Thinking of you. ❤️
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Diane Lucey|Aug 11, 2022
Oh, Kim, what a beautiful post you have written. You are certainly correct when you say Peter impacted so many people. What a tribute to him. But the support you both have been given comes from the heart and those you both have touched in some way. This is what God wants, that we love and help one another. We continue our prayers for you and Peter’s entire family ever day. You are never far from our thoughts. We praise you for your desire to “pay it forward” to others. What a treasured act it is. 💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏
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