Sara Byron|Feb 25, 2021
How did you know that we have all been thinking more about Paula and Bob lately? This is the time of year that we used to be planning for the big Cornerstone retreat. The snow is melting and we all think of the trips down to Washington. On Monday I drove my Bob over to Macomb for his first COVID shot at the HyVee. Ridiculous trip, but his stroke has caused some paranoia, and he had been having COVID nightmares. So scoring an appointment in Macomb was worth it. We took the south route to drive through Peoria and close to Washington. I think of you often and keep you in my prayers every day. Thank you for the update Gayle! Love and prayers to all of you! Sara (SareBearKnits, who doesn't knit much anymore!)
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Pat Hill|Feb 25, 2021
Thank you for the update. I continue to pray for Paula.
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Monica (Moknita on ravelry) Brandau|Feb 25, 2021
Thanks for the update Gayle! Have been thinking of all of you. So glad the grand daughters came to visit- truly the lights of her life!
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Christie Maas|Feb 25, 2021
I was so grateful to see this post, Gayle. Paula, we are all still surrounding you with messages of love and hope. We also include Gayle, Steve, and Bob in our prayers.
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Patti Link|Feb 25, 2021
Thank you so much for the update. Paula is loved by many!
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Linda Brown|Feb 25, 2021
Thank you so much for the update. I think of you often.
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Carol Dunn|Feb 25, 2021 (edited)
Hi Paula, Hope you are enjoying watching the birds and doing some knitting at times. Praying for your healing 🙏🏽 & may the Lord continue surrounding you with Love from your Wonderful Family 🥰
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Susan Brunner|Feb 25, 2021
Holding Paula & Bob in prayer. So glad you could see your sweet family. ☺
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Janice Opalski|Feb 25, 2021
Sending prayers for Paula
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Ginger Woodman|Feb 25, 2021
Thank you Gayle for the update. Like so many others I have been wondering how Paula is doing. Give her my love and tell your sweet mom I said hello as well.
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