Bev and Dan Doty|Feb 25, 2020
So thankful you got home before the bad snow tonight. Sorry you had to drive in it this morning. So so happy Gayle came. Dan and I both send our love, our prayers, and big hugs! 😘
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Diane Hillenburg|Feb 25, 2020
I don't know what I'd do without my sisters! I'm so very thankful you have Gayle! Sending many prayers from Florida! Love you!
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Leslie wind|Feb 25, 2020
Dear Paula, your easy conversational writing style is informative and emotional to read. To read you is to be with you.
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Jean Wynne|Feb 25, 2020
Dearest Paula,
I seriously do think that you had better not take your eye off Gayle and Steve. I would nab them to take care of me any day. Your sister is incredible!!!!!!!!!!
Funny, I was thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing, and your post on Caring Bridge post popped up. Your attitude never ceases to amaze me.
Much love...Hugs and Prayers :-) Thinking of you! xox Jean.
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Nancy Fettig|Feb 25, 2020
I'm tearing up with joy for you and the lovely surprise. I continue to pray. 🙏
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Heather Gosma|Feb 25, 2020
You continue to be a sweet blessing in my life and many others! I love you my dear friend!!!
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Mary Anne Sedney|Feb 25, 2020
Oh, Paula, I couldn’t agree with you more, that sisters are Super Special! Yours seems Extra Super Special! In a couple of days, my dog Moses and I are driving from Mass to SC to be with my siblings for a few weeks: your comments have made me extra-aware this year of how very fortunate we are to have each other! One of my sisters was treated last fall for breast cancer, so we are celebrating her good health with production of Knitted Knockers. You inspire me, dear Paula, to give thanks each and every day for all the wonderful people in my life.
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Diane Patterson|Feb 25, 2020 (edited)
How wonderful to have a sister so very caring.💕
I wish you all the very best. Take it easy after that big one in a couple weeks. God Bless
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Connie Flanagan|Feb 25, 2020
How wonderful your sister came anyway. You can tell from pictures how happy you both are to see each other. Great picture of you and Bob too. You look great! take care!! Sending hugs thoughts and prayers!!!💕🙏
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Patty Muir|Feb 25, 2020
What an awesome sister and brother in law. Loved the pictures, so much love. Prayers continue. 🙏❤️🙏
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