Colleen Coffee|Feb 23, 2019
Wonderful!!! Sun and fresh air are such good medicine for all of us!! It seems like your energy and stamina are making consistent and positive progress! A 30 minute walk is quite remarkable this soon out of the hospital! I absolutely support and commend your focusing your energies on joy and wellness and doing what you can to reestablish and create normalcy and comfort in your home life. These things are important aspects of healing and recovery and, very naturally, take high priority over far before traditions of etiquette make even an appearance on the list of things to consider. ( I do understand the internal conflict however, those lessons were taught early and reinforced often! 😊) Know that you are thought of and prayed for and over often! These prayers include a Bob and your sister, sons & daughters -in-love, grand babies, and caregivers too! While I mourn that you are suffering this illness, I absolutely trust and affirm that our LORD is using it for Good in such a multitude of intricate ways that we could never count them. May you know His complete healing and restoration. May you thrive on His strength, mercy, and unending love. May you live in the security, knowledge, and peace of His compassion and adoration of you, His beloved child. May your joy be overflowing and unending, a blessing to others and a witness of His glory. In Jesus precious name I claim and pray. Amen. xxoo.
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Kathleen Kibblehouse|Feb 23, 2019
Paula: I belong to a Breast Cancer Facebook group and many of the ladies going through chemo are experiencing the same things you speak of; food tasting different as one example. Some suggested apple slices with peanut butter. Good protein and fresh, real food that might taste good going down. Stay cozy. You're in my prayers every day. You got this cancer conqueror!
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Kathleen Kibblehouse|Feb 23, 2019
Hello Paula! so happy to read that you were able to get outside for your beloved walk. Fresh air is an amazing gift from God isn't it? You are inspiring us all. Be well and rest easy. That Bob.... he's a real "keeper".
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Paula Prutsman|Feb 23, 2019
Paula (Jr), :-) first I must tell you that when I open your website, your photo immediately puts a smile on my face~~~~it's such a good picture! Yesterday you made huge strides on your outside adventure which is a REAL positive. With the rain today, it worked perfectly for you to be able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. What you share with us is written in such a way that I can visualize exactly what is happening and how things are going on Autumn Ridge, and I always look forward to reading it! I so admire your strong faith and courage! Warm hugs from one of your countless Prayer Warriors, Paula Sr :-)
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Tracey (fun4Tracey)|Feb 23, 2019
Hi Paula! I am at QuiltCon in Nashville this weekend with a good friend. (I am not a quilter but love quilts and bagmaking.). The displays of the modern quilts would delight you. Hold your quilting close, too! Love, Tracey
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Linda Chargualaf|Feb 23, 2019
I’m so happy to read this! So glad you had a day in which you were able to enjoy the outdoors!! “Praise God from whom all blessings flow...”🎵❤️
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Sharon Puryear|Feb 23, 2019
Dear Paula, Life changing events have a way of making us appreciate even simple pleasures. Taking a walk, when taken from our daily schedule, can be elevated to awesome. In truth, every walk in nature is an awesome experience! We just sometimes forget to appreciate God's marvelous creations.
Knowing that Gayle felt comfortable enough to leave you and Bob on your own, Paula, is a positive sign. You are truly blessed to have her as a sister, friend and 'manager!'
I am just one of many who thinks of you often and pray that our prayers are uplifting you as you make your way along this journey. Hugs to all!
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Sue M. Witkin|Feb 22, 2019
So wonderful you were able to get outdoors. That must have been pure joy to you! And to see you on Instagram in your quilting room— I’m so happy for you! Fantastic! Suemw
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Mary Anne Schierman|Feb 22, 2019
Nothing like a good walk with sun and fresh air. We love hearing about your positive moments.
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Michelle Miller|Feb 22, 2019
I'm so glad you have been able to get out and soak up a little sun & fresh air! I'm sure that your walk was healing for both your body and soul!
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