Rick Geddes|Sep 26, 2020
Oliver's strength and generosity of spirit in the face of such adversity will be an inspiration to me for the rest of my years. It was a pleasure and a privilege to know you Oliver. You will be missed!
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Nicki Kohler|Sep 26, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear this. Oliver was so strong and such an inspiration throughout his illness. I feel blessed to have known him. My heart goes out to all his family and friends.
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James Lee|Sep 26, 2020
I was moved by Oliver's posts on life with a terminal illness. They totally changed my value system, and I have hope again because of him. I prayed for him for the first time in thirty years. My heartfelt condolences to his family and many friends.
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Mollie Leitzes|Sep 26, 2020
I am heartbroken to learn that Oliver is gone.
From the moment he was diagnosed, throughout his difficult treatment, during the months of grace before the cancer returned, he was so brave. He faced his illness head on, and lived every moment with a clarity and peace that, frankly, I — 25 years older than he — had trouble understanding.

Oliver was a kind, decent, thoughtful friend. Both Mel and I feel his loss. We knew of course, how sick he was; but still it’s so very very hard to say goodbye.
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Joanne Button|Sep 26, 2020
Thank you for the Mustard Seed story. It helps. Oliver was lovely, and we'll miss him very much. My condolences as you grieve.
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Cheryl Botts|Sep 26, 2020
My heart is heavy thinking about the sadness this must bring to Oliver’s family. He was a true champion and model for me with how he handled pending life’s end. He will be truly missed and I send virtual hugs to all in his family. I was grateful to hear (and see) how rich his last months were and that he was pain free. Blessings to all. What a model to us all!❤️❤️💐
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Emily Adams|Sep 26, 2020
I imagine this must be a painful and sad time, even though Oliver and the family lived every day to the fullest and with love. My thoughts are with you.
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Jackie Jablonski|Sep 26, 2020
This is heartbreaking news. My love to Amelia and family and to all those who loved Oliver.
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John Marohn|Sep 26, 2020
Amelia and family, I am sorry for your loss. It was an honor to know Oliver.
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Lucja Kot|Sep 26, 2020
I'm very sad to hear this. It was a privilege to know Oliver and to fly with him. Blue skies and tailwinds, friend.
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