Brian McDonald|Mar 22, 2020
Hi Oliver-it is such a disappointment to have the cancer come back. I admire your decision to live out the time you have, savoring this best you can and not enduring any more treatments. You have had a long battle. None of us know how much time we have and in the current environment with the virus there is a threat that could shorten the runway for any of us. You are handling this with grace.
with much love from your friends at MOR.
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Edna Brown|Mar 22, 2020
I love you and Amelia. Thank you for sharing your life full of grace and dignity, reverence for each new day, with us.
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Xin L|Mar 22, 2020
Dear Oliver, You have been an inspiration to so many of us. Keep up the fighting spirit in you. We are with you and your family!
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Esther Racoosin|Mar 22, 2020
Dear Oliver, in reading your note I am reminded that I must try to live each day as best I can. I was so inspired by the amazing trip that you and Amelia took last year, and how you went to Florida and ran in the race at Disney. You are such an inspiring person, and I really honor you. Sending hugs to you, and to Amelia, Peter and Cady. And, I wish your Dad healing vibes.
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Alex Milton|Mar 22, 2020
Oliver - So sorry to hear.
I am however so glad I had the chance to spend some quality time with you here in Florida.
None of us know what life holds for us. Be quick to forgive, be quick to love. Be kind, be brave.
I will see you on the other side of the river Jordan...
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Pam Crosby|Mar 22, 2020
Oliver, my heart is hurting, along with so many who care about you and your family. Thank you for your courage and grace in sharing this news. May each day ahead be filled with love, support, and personal meaning.
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Joan Doria|Mar 22, 2020
Oliver. We've been in a stunned place since reading your post yesterday. I cannot fathom the depths of all you are experiencing. With deep respect for your decision, we are by your side. So much love to you.
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Ron Spohn|Mar 21, 2020
Oliver, I have no words except to say thank you for sharing an unimaginably difficult situation with grace and dignity. All I can do is echo Tamara K and Brian W below. Mary and I send you our love. Peace.
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Tamara Kraus|Mar 21, 2020
This news is tragic. You deliver it with great dignity. May the days ahead be full of love and light.
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Brian Wilbur|Mar 21, 2020
Oliver, I have no words. My reactions and emotional response to your news are all over the map. Your measured and incredibly thoughtful response to your situation is a lesson for us all. Please share as much of your journey as you are willing and able to do - we will all benefit.
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