Stephanie Herrick|Jun 17, 2019
best wishes to you and all of your family, Oliver!!!
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Ted Schmits|Jun 17, 2019
Best of luck today Oliver, will be thinking of you today.
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dilmeran dunham|Jun 17, 2019
Dear Oliver,

I want to tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your saga with just articulate, sensitive and honest way. I am grateful for being among the people who are following your difficult journey and standing by waiting for every good news about your recovery.

As I am writing this note, you may be having your surgery. I am, among so many other people caring for you, sending you wishes for the most successful result of this surgery, as well as your speedy, painless recovery.

All my best and love.
Dilmeran akgoze.
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Heather Scott|Jun 17, 2019
I am thinking of you today!! The sun has come out to shine on us here in Ithaca, and I hope on you and yours, too. You are in my prayers!
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Karl Fitzke|Jun 17, 2019
I hope your surgery goes/went well, Oliver. And when you’ve recovered from that, don’t wear yourself out with all those walks and rides! I really should do more of the same. Congrats to Amelia on the ten year mark! You are both amazing.
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Alex Milton|Jun 17, 2019
Oliver: Many belated blessing for Father's Day. I wish you lots of luck on the surgery. Next time we're up in Ithaca, we'll go for a long hike in the woods. Sarah & I are off to Scotland for a family vacation, some hiking, and Connor's graduation from the University of St. Andrews. We'll post photo's on Facebook, if you follow. Yours, Alex & Sarah!
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Mel Solomon|Jun 17, 2019
As the spiritual leader of the salvation army where i volunteered, prayed for Mollie before her pancreatic surgery, we wish you good health, and that your doctors have the strength, knowledge and skill to heal you.
Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts to you.
Mel & Mollie
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Gretel Pelto|Jun 17, 2019
I’m imaging surrounding you with a protective light from the people - family and friends - who love and care as you take this vital step to r ecovery.
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Jonathan Pelto|Jun 17, 2019
All of us here in Connecticut are wishing you all the best and a quick and complete recovery from today's operation. Warmest thoughts for healing.
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Mary Miller|Jun 17, 2019
My thoughts are with you, Oliver. Sending love and hope your way.
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