Robin Cisne|Jan 17, 2019
Glad to hear it's been a good week for you. Keep up the good work!
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Mark Lawrence|Jan 17, 2019
That sounds encouraging, Oliver. I am impressed at how optimistic you continue to be... but please feel free to call if you ever want to vent! Sending love!
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Joanne Button|Jan 17, 2019
Thank you very much for the detailed update, Oliver. It is a good thing that spring comes soon then, since a nose which hurts when the weather is cold sounds decidedly uncomfortable!
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Heidi (Habicht) Peterson|Jan 17, 2019
Loving your upbeat reaction to the MSK visit and great that the tumor is responding to the chemo. We will be thinking of you tomorrow!
Gentle hugs, Heidi
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Sara Catterall|Jan 17, 2019
That sounds encouraging! Best wishes for your peripherals, and yay for modern medicine, whatever is making you handle the chemo as well as you are, and CAN!
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Alex Milton|Jan 17, 2019
Hang in there Oliver. You have a lot going for you & a lot of people rooting for you.
I took the liberty of putting your name on our church's prayer group.
You should feel better on Sundays! ;-)
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John Gaines|Jan 17, 2019
I agree with Arthur that your factual reporting may downplay the VERY POSITIVE news you received on this trip. And you got to fly! Stay strong, friend.
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Joan Doria|Jan 17, 2019
I feel grateful for your report's news and hope, Oliver!
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Arthur Woll|Jan 17, 2019
Oliver: while I appreciate your strict adherence to facts, from my point of view this sounds like FANTASTIC news! Keep hanging in there, friend: you're a total bad-ass and an inspiration.
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Jane Lee|Jan 17, 2019
Great news Oliver, keep up the fight. Cheering you on from this end.
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