Todd Schumacher|May 31, 2018
Hi Norm,

Missed you a lot this year. You always had good things to say about the High School. Missed seeing you drive around town. You would always wave first. You must have eyes like a hawk. Praying for you and your family. Thanks for being YOU. I know the kids missed you being around. That is a testament to who you are.

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jay frydenlund|May 31, 2018
Hey Norm..My family is praying for you and your family in these tough have a strong family core and so many friends in our education circle pulling for you..
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Jim Scanlan|May 31, 2018
Mr V: Praying for you to find strength during this difficult journey. A quote I came across and thought of you: "In the end out lives won't be measured by our bank account, wins and losses or awards but by the difference we made in the lives of others". YOU made a difference in the lives of so many others. Your legacy will carry on through your wonderful family and your grandchildren.
Thank you Norm!
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alex hedlund|May 31, 2018
I could always count on Mr. Vanderpan to make me smile when he subbed when I was in school. Prayers to your family!
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Nate Loer|May 30, 2018
I've learned a lot about the great value of Caring Bridge as a place to give updates and receive support. I am so glad for the chance to tell you that you are on a very short list of men who helped shape me into the man I am today. The Loer pew and Vanderpan pew were never very far apart in my growing up years, so when it was time for worshipers to say, "Good Morning" to one another, you were someone who greeted me most Sundays with a firm handshake. If I would have mumbled or failed to look you in the eye, you would have gently corrected me, I'm sure. After worship, since my parents loved to stick around and visit about as much as you and Marti, I would often sit at the table with you and my dad and several other men and listen to you solve the problems of the world over a cup of coffee. As I grew in years, I would be included in that conversation and you always talked to me like an adult. Even though you guys didn't always agree, especially when the conversation got more political, I never heard you raise your voice, though your passion for certain subjects was obvious. You were a great model on how to politely disagree with someone. Thanks for always being such a willing conversation partner, being so knowledgeable about many subjects, and showing me the value of being part of Christian community. Naturally, I think very highly of your kids and yours and Marti's legacy lives on in them (and your grandkids, too!). But I wanted you to know that as a man of faith and strong convictions (and an opinion about almost everything :) ), you've also had an influence on me, too. May God strengthen you and your family to savor each earthly moment you have left, and whenever God gets around to that resurrection thing, I'll look forward to another handshake. God's peace.
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David Sikorski|May 29, 2018 (edited)

On my many trips to fish or hunt with Matt chatting with you has always been a highlight in my mind. Your easy to talk to nature, and great ability to share a story are traits sorely lacking in todays world. I will always remember the day you took me on a tour at the heritage village and had a great story to tell about each building, tractor or other valuable piece of history. I'll never forget driving the Massey Harris Pony in the parade to Home of Economy. I distinctly remember our many conversations about your family's story and your knowledge of your heritage. I'm nearly certain you taught me some about mine too. The pride you show in sharing your heritage is a direct reflection of the great people and places that shaped you in your life. One look at the family you and Marti built is proof that you have passed on many good traits, and your amazing story that will continue to be passed along for many generations. There is no doubt where Matt got his gift of chatting someone's ear off, and more importantly leaving a positive impression on nearly everyone he meets. This kind of thing doesn't happen by accident, and those who are blessed with these qualities should always pass it on, just as you have.

While a fateful hunting trip first connected me to Matt, and yes, plenty of trips have followed. The most important trip I have ever taken to Grand Forks was the one when Craig was christened and I was able to stand as his God Father. It was on this trip where I finally had a chance to really be there with your family, and enjoy my small window into what it means to be a Vanderpan. I remember our conversation that day in the back yard that day as we talked about life in different parts of the country, a touch of politics, and a lot about family. Yes, I guarantee I mentioned fish or oysters at some point too, but the parts of that day that stick with me were all about family.

As Kelly and I prepare to start our family together, I have thought more about the great people in my life and the families that it took to make those people who they are. The Vanderpan family is at the top of the list of those that will positively affect mine as it grows, and I have you to thank for that.

With love & prayers

David Sikorski
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mom and dad Loer|May 29, 2018
Disregard this Mom and Dad Loer stuff!! It goes back to when Nate had his heart surgery and that's how we signed our comments. Somehow Caring Bridge thinks we always want to be Mom and Dad Loer. Go figure!!
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mom and dad Loer|May 29, 2018
We miss seeing you in church on Sunday mornings. You always were there with a smile!! We will keep you in our prayers as you continue on this difficult journey. Dave and Judi Loer
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Jan Baune|May 29, 2018
Thinking of you & praying for you. You were the ultimate sub. Always there with a smile!
Jan Baune 😘
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jane hjelle|May 29, 2018
Praying for strength as you travel this battle Norm! Miss seeing you on the gravel road with your Lab! Keep a joyful heart! So many praying for you!🙏
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