Jessica Seibert|Apr 1, 2019
Our hearts ache for Norah and for you all on this uncertain journey. We lift you up continuously in our thoughts and prayers. May the path forward contain more hope and light.
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Erin Nofziger|Apr 1, 2019 (edited)
Continuing to pray for all of you as you walk this difficult road together. May you feel God’s sustaining presence in each moment. Mattea’s heart especially goes out to Norah. Much love to you from Ohio.
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Phil Kniss|Apr 1, 2019
Thank you so much for this beautifully candid, raw, yet hopeful update. We are holding you all in prayer, moment by moment. Much love to everyone!
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Merietta Lambert|Apr 1, 2019
Dear Peggy and Family, I am sorry that I just found this tonight! I had no idea of your situation. We work together at MVES, and with spring break last week, I had not heard. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this! I know from personal experience the nightmare you are going through!! Maybe someday I can share my own story with you, but until then just know that I understand!! Hugs
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Stephanie Wasta|Apr 1, 2019
Please know that we are surrounding you with our love. We will continue to hold Norah and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
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Melodie Stutzman|Apr 1, 2019
We love you guys and have been praying continually for you!
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Maria Yoder|Apr 1, 2019
It was so good to hear all the love and positive thoughts the kids had to share for Norah today. She is so loved! I think of her and you all so often. Continued prayers for strength and healing. Maria Swartzentruber
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Diane Arbutis|Apr 1, 2019
I am so very sorry that Norah and your family are experiencing this. Your faith and strength will get you through. Prayers for all of you.
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Melissa Sikes|Apr 1, 2019
Thinking of your strong girl and sending so much love to your family.
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Cheryl Wideman|Apr 1, 2019
My heart is so full right now! Full of prayers. Full of tears. Full of gratitude that Norah has s loving family surrounding her.
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