Michelle Millar Fisher|Sep 18, 2021
Sending you a giant huge hug, Nicki. I can’t send you a book right now in physical form in case it has germs attached so I’ll email you a PDF digital copy in case some reading materials are handy right now. With lots of love xxxx
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nicolette brock|Sep 18, 2021
Thank you for writing this and for writing so well. What a harrowing time this has been for you, and to be allowed a peek into it and to have those insights as to how to be helper… well, I’m grateful for it. And you, your spirit shines through. Will continue to visualize healing with you and pray the ANC rises. 🤍
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Cleo Murnane|Sep 18, 2021
Nicki, I will personally transport your trama to Timbuktu! I'm by your side Nicki, we all are. Thinking of you every day. Sending love.
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Jennifer Cunningham|Sep 18, 2021
Holy cow! I love when you tell it like it is! Thank you. Cheering you on to health is what we do! You’re wonderful in so many ways! Heal babe Heal!
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Hanah Cota|Sep 18, 2021
Thank you for the marching orders, sweet Nicki. Thinking of you always 🤍
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Anita Rosenzweig|Sep 18, 2021
Nicki, you are constantly in my thoughts. I have volunteered for an LLS campaign and the same person was running for Woman of the Year again. I couldn't work but gave a lot of money to LLS in honor of you and your family's fight and stamina. I sent notes so others involved would keep you in their hearts. Ken and I wish your body is as strong as your mind and heart. We appreciate your letters. Sending Love.
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Nancy Weiss|Sep 17, 2021
Your ability to let us in on the unbearably harsh reality of your situation, while leaving no doubt that you are still the same sweet, funny, introspective, word-smithing master we’ve always known, never ceases to astound and impress me. “Induction” … as if you are being welcomed into an elite club. How about “Consolidation” … let’s just tie this all up with a neat bow (and not give a hint of the weeks of isolation and devastation all this has meant for you and your sweet husband and girls). If the words of the disease experts don’t convey the awful truths of your experience (and that of everyone else faced with cancer) at least we can count on you to peel back the layers, share your truths with us, and remind us of what we each have to offer that’s meaningful. Love you so much, now and forever.
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Chris & Sarah Rhoads|Sep 17, 2021
Nicki, hang in there sis. So appreciate you sharing in such a vulnerable way, I wish this would happen more so we could better understand the trauma cancer patients endure. Sending you so much love and good healing energy
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Stacy Lewis|Sep 17, 2021
Nicki - thank you for sharing and explaining the science and emotions behind what you are triumphantly and gracefully facing. You are a bright light and such a good friend. We love you and are sending love and light beams through the air riding on sun particles straight into your suite. <3
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Susan Tilson|Sep 17, 2021
Nicki—you continue to awe and inspire me with your strength and determination, not to mention your always on-point metaphors! I have nothing but love and admiration for you and am thinking about you and sending all healing vibes to you constantly. ❤️❤️❤️
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