Bonita Monson|May 17, 2020
Good Morning - not sure how this site works - if it goes to Nathan or just the ones on this caring bridge. Anyway - I’m so glad too that things are changing and improving with Nathan. He has had so many changes and hurdles in his life already ! Hard for an adult to understand and accept so I’m sure it is even worse for a confused teenager. I hope he keeps doing well and soon maybe he will be able to come home for the weekend or longer and we all can get together for a picnic or maybe at the lake. Give him hugs and kisses from me - if that’s allowed by then. Lol. Tell him how happy we all are for him. Sounds like he is starting to get the 3 P’s we talk about in AA. ( PAUSE- PRAY- and PROCEED). It works!!
X0X0., Grandma Bonnie
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