Anne Smith|Jun 18, 2018
Mark, Mimi was a Theta Phi sorority sister and we only recently reconnected because of her illness. Over the last 15 months, I’ve been truly inspired by her insights and humor in the face of fear and it has left a lasting impression. Her deep faith during this very difficult journey is truly an inspiration for all of us. Sending love and blessings to you and your sons. Anne
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Candy Trotter|Jun 18, 2018
Mark, Thanks so much for your post. I was constantly inspired by Mimi's writings!! She was truly an amazing person and will be missed by so many. My heart goes out to you and the boys, but I know that your faith will get you through this incredibly difficult time. Please know that you all have many friends who love you all, and are here for you.
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Gerald Platt|Jun 18, 2018
God is good. Mimi is feeling a joy, peace, love and purpose that none of us can yet comprehend. I was the doctor in that little emergency department in Coronado that gave her the very first news. We prayed that day and God since used her in a miraculous way to touch the lives of many in profound ways. It is a conversation I have had before and since...and no doubt will again. It is a product of this fallen world. There is a glory to come, which Mimi now enjoys. Disbelief or even weak faith in a truth does not make it untrue. I mourn for her family, but I rejoice for her. I have been personally strengthened by her faith and walk...and that of her husbands as well. Glory to the only true Healer, for she is now healed.
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Dick Birmingham|Jun 17, 2018
Mark, I am so sorry to learn of Mimi's passing. I never met her, but have corresponded with her over the last few years in connection with my daily Gospel reflections which I sent to her. In tomorrow's reflection I have shared the news of her death with my audience and aked them to keep her in their prayers. She was a remarkable, faith-filled woman, who was a tremendous witness to me of courage and trust in the Lord. Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss. God bless you and your family!
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Liz Grubow|Jun 17, 2018
Dear Mark,
We are so grateful and blessed that Mimi was in our lives. Your love and faith touched so many of us and we will be all the better for it. We will be there for you , Joe and Will in the days to come. Much love always.
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SUSAN HELLMAN|Jun 17, 2018
May God continue to watch over the London family. S&C
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Mike Schafer|Jun 17, 2018 (edited)
Mark, this is a beautiful and courageous reflection. God bless you, your boys, and the rest of your family. You have a new saint in heaven interceding for all of you.
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Marva Johns|Jun 17, 2018
Beautifully written, Mark. As you allow yourself to grieve, sending healing hugs and prayers to you, Will and Joseph.
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Amy Mills|Jun 17, 2018
So very beautiful, Mark. She will be missed deeply by very many. In these past months she taught us all so very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Will, Joe and your families.
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Joyce McHenry|Jun 17, 2018
This is wonderfully written!! Mimi was such an inspiration & she touched so many people! We will all miss her. Love & hugs to you Will & Joe!
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