Debi Hamm|Mar 13, 2019
😂😂😂 Yep, you were the Alien! I wondered if you would catch that 😬. When the nurse came in and told us Mikes antibody count, that poor doctor was at a complete loss of words and knew he had put his foot in his mouth. It’s comical now thinking back at the whole situation, but at the time we were pretty devastated that the blood transfusions had hurt him so much. I know it’s possible, but as you know already, it will be much harder. After a ton of research, we are at least informed better now. I think the Dr. was so flustered, he Left quickly after that. Not impressed with this guys bedside manner, that’s for sure. I know he is a great surgeon, but he is socially an idiot. Ok, that may be harsh. Maybe I am still just a weeee bit angry with him! 😤 Thanks for the Love!!!
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