Debi Hamm|Nov 14, 2018
Yes, his Drs and nutritionist are all working with him. He is also on an antidepressant at this time, which is quite a big accomplishment for him because he has always felt he could handle things on his own. We are talking about increasing it now, since he is on a very low dose.
My health right now is not so good. I don’t know if you know much about chronic fatigue/ chronic pain, sometimes known as M.E./CFS, but it is something they have no idea how to treat. Exercise does not work for us, it makes it far worse. With all the new pain medication guidelines, I have been working to slowly decrease the amts of pain medications I have been on. It is very hard getting off these meds and trying to learn to deal with the pain. Because that’s what they want you to do. But I have been pretty sick lately from that too. So I have been mostly in bed unable to do much. I also have fibromyalgia and IBS. It all compounds.
When you both feel so bad, cooking is just the hardest thing to do. You really don’t want to eat, and trying to learn to cook for a renal diet AND gain weight is exhausting.
We do the best we can. We are not that old, both in our early 60s 🤫, but it feels like we are much older. We were always very active, and to lose that is hard too.
Right now we just take it day by day. Mike and I are very close, so we just do the best we can for ourselves and each other. No kids, no family and few friends, our circle is small. We are used to that, just got harder being both sick.
I keep getting lots of quacks (men) on IG either looking for companions, or wanting to know what we pay for a kidney, I am ready to pull my hair out. I have a guy right now that says he 100% wants to help, but my gut is telling me he is not quite being honest. I block these people very quickly. As soon as I am feeling better I will research the business Facebook. I just don’t understand how it’s much different?
Thanks for being a friend and confidant Lynn. I really appreciate it. I hope your kidney donors tests goes good . It’s hard just to get past the online screening. With all the action you have had, I feel confident your new kidney will be found soon.
Hugs back to you. I am not much of a phone person, but I appreciate your concerns and friendship. When and if I get a business Facebook started, I will probably reach out for help getting it started.
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