Joy Horton|Sep 3, 2019
I am looking forward to that day with every breath, Linda ❤ I would love to see you sometime if you're able. My email is LMK if we can hook up. We have much to talk about.
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Linda Gregory|Sep 3, 2019
Dear Joy,
I can honestly say that I felt your "Michelle hug". Thank you!!!

I was out of town on Saturday, but you have all been on my mind and in my heart since the morning my husband brought me the paper and said the words "your friend died". I have been in an indescribable fog since reading and rereading the paper that morning and then reading the Caring Bridge site trying to grasp what she must have gone through.

Over the past couple years Michelle and I had lost touch, you know how it goes. One of my favorite things about Michelle was that no matter how long it was since you last spoke, it was like you never missed a day when you did get a minute to catch up. So, as I said before, I again Praise God that through Jesus Christ we will have eternity together to catch up!

You will continue to be in my prayers.

With Love,
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Joy Horton|Aug 29, 2019
Oh, Linda! You've captured the essence of precious Michelle in your beautifully written comment. Thank you for sparking a light of her memory. These are becoming more and more priceless and precious with every passing day. I love that you had that past with Shell. I wish you could make it Saturday, as I would love so much to see you, but I understand. Thank you for your comment. Sending you a big "Michelle hug." ❤
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