Jennifer Birch Belz|Apr 5, 2019
Wonderful news! Still praying every day for all of you —- now including Michael McDonough.
Jennifer Belz, a Cobber mom
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mary nemec|Apr 5, 2019
"Pray Big!!!Expect Miracles!" Sounds like it's working. It is so wonderful to hear things are improving. Please let the McDonough family know that they too will be on our prayer list. We again read through your journals since day one and it helps to see things are really getting better.
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Tammy Doeden|Apr 5, 2019
What wonderful news!! We serve an amazing God. May he continue to provide healing.

Thinking of you. Thank you for these updates.
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Carol Ann Dahlberg|Apr 5, 2019
We are heartened by your good news today, though saddened at the thought of weeks more of pain for Michael. Thank you for helping us to walk this journey with you, even though we are connected primarily through faith and now through prayer. We will add a second Michael to our prayers tonight. Thank you for the suggestion. Our hearts and our prayers will continue for Michael and for everyone who is caring for and supporting him.
Carol Ann and Duane Dahlberg
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Roxann Ramberg-Cossette|Apr 5, 2019
My continued prayer prayers are with you. In addition I am sending prayers for Michael McD that God grant you many blessings and complete healing. My heart hurts for all those affected.
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Ladd Lyngaas|Apr 5, 2019
Thank you for sharing the positive news. We will keep praying for more miracles and add the new Michael to our prayers! God’s Peace!!
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