Heather Jarvie|Jul 19, 2019
Thank you for sharing the whole dearth of your emotions. No one would say that what you've all gone through is even close to easy, and yet you have all endured through the highs and lows an entire year threw at you! You guys are never far from our thoughts. <3
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Nancy Memmott|Jul 19, 2019 (edited)
Thank you for sharing your emotional experiences. Everything you said is spot on. I have been a caregiver for many elderly family members for more than 15 years. I have also found that during the emotional roller coaster I was strong, committed and did things I never dreamed I could do. My faith in God sustained me through it all and beyond. When my loved one was out of danger and I didn't need to be a ninja warrior anymore, I let my guard down. All my tears, grief and gratitude came rushing in all at once. The tears were healing tears.
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