Betsy Colby Davie|Mar 30, 2020
Jenny, I was hoping you'd write. I have been thinking about you and the kids and Michael so much. If you'd like to connect, ever, my email address is:
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Jan Hayne|Mar 30, 2020 (edited)
Jenny, thank you for checking back in to CB and letting us know how you and the kids are doing. Glad you are safe and healthy. Will pray that continues to be the case as you walk your grief journey together. I'm confident Michael is with you all in spirit, keeping a watchful eye and helping you connect with the things that bring you comfort and peace. I think you've captured quite nicely how Michael would be responding to our Covid world. His storytelling event would have been magnificent and a day brightener for us all. He cared so much about people and places and things and ideas that he surely would have given us guidance about how to navigate this strange and ever changing world. I, too, am missing "my person to be holed up with," having lost my life partner, Rick, last July. Living in the Stillwater area, my grounding water connection is the St Croix River instead of Ole Miss. I'm sure Rick and I would have binge watched some TV shows and movies, played Scrabble and Cribbage, and he would have cooked me some amazing meals rivaling any of the takeout I've accessed. And thanks for the jokes ... we can all use a little more humor in this crazy world. I thought they were all funny, but I have to admit the "fart" joke made me spontaneously laugh out loud. Not sure what that says about me, except I think that's probably the one Rick would have LOL'd at too. Take care. Be well. ((HUGS))
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Nancie Hughes|Mar 30, 2020
Thanks so much for the update, Jenny. We are hunkered down, but well. Spring is bursting forth.
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Mary Hegdal|Mar 30, 2020
We're staying isolated as everyone else is. So far, so good. Hope y'all stay healthy. Love to you all.
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Jeanne Landkamer|Mar 30, 2020
Thank you so much for the jokes - oh how I need to laugh today. And thank you for being in touch with us. It is a joy to send love your way from our little haven hear on Aurora Avenue in Saint Paul. I appreciate your reflections greatly. Much love to you all, Jeanne
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Amy Salloway|Mar 30, 2020
Oh my GOSH those jokes!! Michael, wherever you are, your amazing sense of humor lives on...forever. Missing you, and wishing SO much that you were here to create an amazing virtual storytelling show with.
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Sherlylynn Pierce|Mar 30, 2020
So awesome to hear from you. I am like so many wondering what his take would be on the Covid-19. I know he would enlighten us all. Prayers continue for you as you move ahead. Hugs coming your way.
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Sherlylynn Pierce|Mar 30, 2020
So awesome to hear from you. I am like so many wondering what his take would be on the Covid-19. I know he would enlighten us all. Prayers continue for you as you move ahead. Hugs coming your way.
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Kirsten Johnson|Mar 30, 2020
Thank you so much for sharing! I too have been thinking about what Michael would say about all that is happening in the world. I think he'd invite us all to turn inward, to reflect on what this new reality makes possible. To embrace the uncertainty and allow it to bring us in closer touch with our deepest selves.

I was at the river today and stopped by the tree where Michael and I sat together the last time I saw him. So grateful that we have the river as a place to always feel connected to him.

Sending you & the kids love,
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Lenore Franzen|Mar 30, 2020
You’re right, Jenny. Michael would be doing something in response to our present uncertainties. And his cancer would have prepared him well. I’d like to think he is doing something from his perch. Glad that the River continues to be a source of strength and calm for you. Hugs to you all!
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