Terry Irish|Apr 9, 2019
I'm so glad you listened to your gut, surrounded by the love of your family and many friends, by the river, to gain clarity for yourself. Sending you strength and best wishes in your journey!
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Barbara McAfee|Apr 9, 2019
The song I'm singing to you as I type this: "Lay back in the arms of love; lay back in the arms of love; rest back in the arms, you are safe from harm; lay back in the arms of love." Grateful for your generosity in sharing this story with us. River blessings....
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Jeanne Landkamer|Apr 9, 2019
Who among us would not be disoriented? This nugget speaks to me: "Listen for and take the one next step toward healing and love." I get an image of you as a star, sending out these beautiful beams, sometimes full and penetrating, sometimes glinting, to the stars around you (us). I trust the source of that light. Thank you for being faithful to it.
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Ryan Ernst|Apr 9, 2019
YES, trusting that everything is happening for you verses to you.... God gave us intelligence and ego to utilize as best as we can AND we have the choice to trust or have faith in what science and logic cannot explain....what is beyond our time bound limited human 3D view of the world. Yes Michael, I also choose to trust....to choose love...to believe that everything is just as it should be through the grace of Spirit....because it is or it wouldn't be as it is. Thank you for the wise words and gentle reminder.
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Sherlylynn Pierce|Apr 9, 2019
Your writings are the inspiration I need to remind myself to find a river and process things on a different level than I have been doing. Hugs to you and your family as you travel this road.
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Jim Lovestar|Apr 9, 2019
Hanna and Kathy both speak for my heart. As I sit here reading your words of love offered so generously to us all, I listen to Symphony No. 6 (Pathetique) by Tchaikovsky. I am nourished by the loving words and lovely music.
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Liz Oppenheimer|Apr 9, 2019
Before I posted this comment, I spent a few minutes in Blessed Quietness, accompanying you as best I can on this holy journey called Life.

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suzanne o|Apr 9, 2019
Thank you for sharing today! I love how you are using the feeling of being overwhelmed to come back to a path that's true to you. Hugs to you and Jenny!
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Carolyn Carr|Apr 9, 2019
Your writing is such a gift to me, Michael. Thank you. May your visits to the river and to the field of great love continue to deliver their gifts to you This morning, I saw a red fox at one of my favorite spots along the Mississippi River - a first for me, in 15+ years of spending time there. The fox crossed the trail in front of me, loped and lingered along the slope, then darted away. This fox had an injured back leg, but moved swiftly nonetheless. Always new finds, even in familiar places.
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Beth Johns|Apr 9, 2019
I'm having shoulder surgery this Friday as my own nod towards "healing while dying." Thank you for reminding me of this perspective. I've been busy lately with hockey tournaments and birthday parties and planning for not having the use of my dominant arm for 5 weeks, so the upcoming rest involved with the surgery is very welcome.
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