Bobbie Spradley|Oct 23, 2015
Yes, Michael, keep noticing and soaking up those continuing moments of grace. God is WITH you. As you know, you can REST in that. I love your floating image and trust you'll allow those Mighty Hands to gently hold you up and carry you along. Your openness to all that God is teaching is inspiring to the rest of us! Hang in there! You continue daily in my prayers.
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Paul and Mary Hegdal|Oct 23, 2015
Michael and Jenny, sorry to hear that you had to go back to the hospital, but it is best to be there for the lumbar tap.....hope all goes well and you are home again soon. We keep you in our prayers.
Love Paul and Mary
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suzanne homeyer|Oct 23, 2015
dear Michael, I am sitting here in tears after reading this latest post from you. I am glad to be part of your lifeline. hang in there! suzanne
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sandy barry|Oct 23, 2015 (edited)
God Bess you, Michael. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us. I'm consistently awed and humbled by the Grace with which you live each and every day. I am happy to know you feel the love and prayers sent to you, Jenny and the kids every day.
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Jayne Docherty|Oct 23, 2015
Michael... you are in our hearts and prayers at CJP.
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Laurie Savran|Oct 23, 2015
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Norma Bourland|Oct 23, 2015
Thank you, Michael. This touched my soul deeply this morning. I continue to carry you in my heart with prayers and hope for rest and healing...and for your Beloveds hand to not grow weary.
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Marybeth Luing|Oct 22, 2015
I'm going to be a broken record---rest, rest, rest THE BRAIN...resting the legs, arms, eyes, etc is not really fully resting the thinking systems that drain energy from the body to power the brain. One of the last psychologists I spoke with as my TBI was nearly healed looked at the testing scores that I had just completed. I was lamenting (whining) about how long it was taking to 'get better', because I was used to my skin cuts or sprains/bruises, infectious bouts healing quickly--faster than most around me. I felt pretty fine about that, but this was just going sooo slowly, and the parts of my brain I wanted to use to read, write, and converse seemed to drain my energy the most. This was too frustrating to me. He said 'a brain with lots of wiring takes so much longer to heal; it just takes more energy to get all that wiring back in place. Rest is the way it gets done. Ya gotta' respect that, or it won't get done.' (not an exact quote, but close.). I know I'm alluding to having made an assumption I have know basis for making, so please know I am NOT making any assumptions, but passing on the one bit of brain healing that I wish I had heard at the outset, not after months of struggling to 'work on getting better'; I was doing just the opposite.
If I may offer one bit of unsolicited advice: Rest, let others do your talking, writing, researching, etc, while you work on resting.

Prayers and care are held in abundance for you, and Jenny, and all around you.
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Thor|Oct 22, 2015
Moment to moment, just this. Each breath brings the new Light. Angels bow. Much love my brother.
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Sister Karen Mohan|Oct 22, 2015
Michael, your last two postings have touched me deeply. You and Jenny are being given gifts from the Holy Spirit to meet "one day/ one hour at a time". I know you are open to receive these Spirit-filled gifts, and we who love you circle round you both-- with ongoing prayer and in deep friendship....
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