Marybeth Luing|Oct 9, 2015
Love is not all you need, but it is needed, and it is what I can give. Respect, care, quiet grace...I send those to you also, and prayers for healing for all of you. I look forward to stopping by for a few minutes tomorrow (Saturday).
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suzanne homeyer|Oct 9, 2015
dear Michael, jenny, Isaiah and grace, sending you what matters --- LOVE. there are no other words right now. love, suzanne
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Susan De Vries|Oct 9, 2015
My heart goes out to you two and your kids. Thank you for sharing this tender information about your physical health and the wrestling of your spirit. Do you know the old hymn: "There shall be showers of blessings, this is the promise of love." I've been singing it for you on my morning walks this work. Maybe we could sing it altogether tomorrow. Love, Susan
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Barbara McAfee|Oct 9, 2015
Dear Michael,
Thank you for inviting us into your life in this intimate, truthful, and beautiful way. I read every word and heard your voice weaving through it all -- grief, gratitude, fear, the whole gamut. I am likely to miss the shindig tomorrow as I have other family commitments. I do want to let you know that the Morning Star Singers, my little comfort choir, would love to come and offer you some songs if and when the time is right. They can be any kind of music -- raucous and joyful to tender and sweet. If that appeals, just write a note to and someone will be in touch to schedule a good time. I will come as part of the group if at all possible. Sending blessings and prayers your way, friend.
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Marylee Hicks|Oct 9, 2015
Holding you and your family in The Light!
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Melissa Clarke Larson|Oct 9, 2015
I cried while reading your post but my overall emotion was not sadness. I then became concerned about crying when seeing you and how you will interpret that. I've reflected on those tears this afternoon and realize that I am someone who cries in the presence of love. I cry at parent pick-up when I see a father kneeling down, with his arms outstretched, and his kindergartner racing into them. I almost always cry when holding a newborn baby. I cry every Christmas Eve when I'm among a congregation singing Silent Night. If I cry when I see you, please don't interpret that as pity. Please don't interpret me as weak and unable to be a source of strength in my own small way for you and your family. And please don't think I only see your cancer and not the whole you. Yes, there is sadness in the circumstances of your cancer. But, if I do cry, know that above all, it is because I see and feel there is love. I know now that the tears came today when reading your post because it was overflowing with love.
Much love to you, Jenny, Isaiah & Grace,
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Manisha Nordine|Oct 9, 2015
If you hadn't written about your past fear about expressing or trusting love, I would never have known that. I still find it hard to believe. You, Michael, have taught me to reach out to our communities, friends, families for help, support, strength. It is a lesson we will need to continually learn. Yours is a shining example. I care for you all and I wish to be at the celebration tomorrow, but I cannot. Know that I will be thinking about it and sending love. Jenny, my friend, my heart is bursting with the courage your demonstrate. I am so glad to know you both and look forward to many, many more years to get know you all better.
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Emily|Oct 9, 2015
Beautiful. Tender. Real. So glad to be part of the celebrating, grieving, savoring and noticing.
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Melissa Borgmann-Kiemde|Oct 9, 2015
Blessings to you in this time. To your wife. Your kids. This community that surrounds you. I give thanks especially for the wisdom of your friend Janet, and the way these words around grief, presence and wonder speak so powerfully to the heart of our individual and communal suffering. I'm simply in awe, and humbled to know you.
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Janne|Oct 9, 2015
As always, your presence amazes me. I'm again going to try to follow your lead.

Grieve the loss: I grieve the loss of having you to lean on whenever I have an especially difficult almost-anything, almost anytime.

Deal with what is: You're asking me (and others) for the help you need, and we're here. I'll keep asking what more I can do, as long as I can do more.

Work on wonder: Your ability to be present and open, your community's outpouring, being close to this journey is reassuring me of the wonder of the world I live in.

Please keep teaching us, Michael, Jenny, Grace, and Isaiah.
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