David Howell|Sep 25, 2015
Sending my Love and Support to you Michael. To your family as well. We have an opening sequence cut for Isaiahs film and I have been transcribing the interviews. Wonderful stuff. I can't wait to get it all put together.
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Jess Eiynck|Sep 25, 2015
Many thoughts and prayers headed your way. Keep strong and embrace all the good vibes headed your way. All the best for you and your family.
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Tyler Zabriskie|Sep 25, 2015
Michael & Jenny,
I am stunned and saddened that you have this scary path ahead of you. A reminder that disease and death are real and that life is a gift. Suddenly all the psalms of grief and lament that I routinely ignore are relevant again. You and your dear children will be in my prayers (and I suspect my prayers will be more frequent than they have been).
Thank you for sharing so freely with us. You may know the African proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." May your journey be long.
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Cathy de Moll|Sep 25, 2015
Michael, please know you have a wide circle of friends holding you in the light - all of you - as you go through this ordeal.
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Sara Martin|Sep 25, 2015
Thank you for bravely telling us your story. We all often feel so helpless in times like this, and it's a relief to me that at least you have given me one very concrete thing to do. My family does a prayer chain, so I will invite them to pray for you, Jenny, and the kids during this time of healing.
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Kate Shannon|Sep 25, 2015
Holding each of you in my heart and in my thoughts. Love is SO VERY STRONG! And it is kind and it possesses grace. Love and healing to you!!!
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Beth Parkhill|Sep 25, 2015
Michael, you and your family are in my thoughts. You are such a dear person surrounded by deep love. Sending positive healing energy to you. It was wonderful to see you last week though it was clear something was wrong. I will light a candle for you in the village church.
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molly joy matheson gruen|Sep 25, 2015
Im so sorry to hear this news, Michael. Sending love and light...
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molly joy matheson gruen|Sep 25, 2015
Im so sorry to hear this news, Michael. Sending love and light...
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Julia & Fourth Jacobsen|Sep 25, 2015
Sending thoughts and prayers to you all. Lots of love from Julia and Fourth
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