Susan Wheat|Jul 23, 2019
Thank you for the updates
Hope this goes well and she continues to get stronger, pray for you often.
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Anne Sharp Sands|May 23, 2019
Praying for you and Melinda, Cathy. May God continue to give you the strength to support her. I was reading in John 13 today, where Jesus says "As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, in you love one another." Your love and commitment to Melinda is an encouragement to us, and a testament of your love for Jesus!
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Dana Vermilya|May 21, 2019
It's hard to believe how much she has had to go through! So thankful that she has the most loving sister I have ever seen demonstrated! God Bless you, Cathy! Praying for both of you!
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Cheryl Conradson|May 20, 2019
She has been amazing in her fight. Praying that she will come through these next days and gain strength and her body would be healed.
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Dennis Lyall|May 20, 2019
Thanks for all these updates lately, I know it's not easy to keep up. But a lot of us are real interested in Melinda and are keeping track and praying for her even if you don't see a lot of comments all the time.
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Lissa G|May 20, 2019
Oh my Gosh I'm frustrated for her journey in so many ways. Jesus, thank You for Your mercy in her apparent comfort despite what is normally a horrendously painful condition. Give Cathy encouragement to endure along with Melinda. Amen.
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